Using the very latest Form Builder v1.0.5, rather than use reCAPTCHA, I have a simple "Human Test Question" field ...
What is TEN plus SIX ?
Field name = "htest", number, Tiny <= 5 characters, Required.
And in the Submission Pre-Parser, I have this code ...
if ($_POST["htest"] !=16)
$_POST["form_tools_ignore_submission"] = true;
But this does not work. I can make a submission with any answer, other than 16, and the Form submission is accepted and data entered into the dbase.
if ({$ANSWER_htest} !== "16")
$_POST["form_tools_ignore_submission"] = true;
Does not work either.
What is wrong with my Pre-Parser code ? Any help very much appreciated !
Many thanks, Gary, I.T.ZAP.
What is TEN plus SIX ?
Field name = "htest", number, Tiny <= 5 characters, Required.
And in the Submission Pre-Parser, I have this code ...
if ($_POST["htest"] !=16)
$_POST["form_tools_ignore_submission"] = true;
But this does not work. I can make a submission with any answer, other than 16, and the Form submission is accepted and data entered into the dbase.
if ({$ANSWER_htest} !== "16")
$_POST["form_tools_ignore_submission"] = true;
Does not work either.
What is wrong with my Pre-Parser code ? Any help very much appreciated !
Many thanks, Gary, I.T.ZAP.