Apr 14th, 2014, 6:28 PM
I was using hooks manager ft_update_submissions, end
to do a redirect: if submission account redirect. worked great in testing until....
I tried submitting a form_builder/published (created from api) form. The form would not go to the review page. The initial field values would update in the database, but would remain on the first page of the form.
if (array_key_exists("context",$infohash)){
$contextexists = "yes";
} else {
$contextexists = "no";
if (($contextexists == "yes") && ($infohash["context"] == "submission_accounts")) {
header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/bnedition/modules/form_builder/published/submissionupdated.html");
The above works for submission accounts.
any suggestions for the form_builder/published form? The above hooks rule stops the form_builder/published form from paging through to the review and thank you and doesn't finalize the form.
I was hoping since the form_builder/published form would not have this key, it would just ignore the hook and continue on. Instead it just stops the submission from paging.
I have edited php files in the meantime, but would rather use hooks manager so future updates don't wipe out these modifications.
Quick note: I noticed "disable" in hooks manager does not work. If the rule exists it's enabled regardless. There is another post mentioning the same from Feb 2013.
Just want to make sure you're aware of it.
btw: Love your product
to do a redirect: if submission account redirect. worked great in testing until....
I tried submitting a form_builder/published (created from api) form. The form would not go to the review page. The initial field values would update in the database, but would remain on the first page of the form.
if (array_key_exists("context",$infohash)){
$contextexists = "yes";
} else {
$contextexists = "no";
if (($contextexists == "yes") && ($infohash["context"] == "submission_accounts")) {
header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/bnedition/modules/form_builder/published/submissionupdated.html");
The above works for submission accounts.
any suggestions for the form_builder/published form? The above hooks rule stops the form_builder/published form from paging through to the review and thank you and doesn't finalize the form.
I was hoping since the form_builder/published form would not have this key, it would just ignore the hook and continue on. Instead it just stops the submission from paging.
I have edited php files in the meantime, but would rather use hooks manager so future updates don't wipe out these modifications.
Quick note: I noticed "disable" in hooks manager does not work. If the rule exists it's enabled regardless. There is another post mentioning the same from Feb 2013.
Just want to make sure you're aware of it.
btw: Love your product