May 29th, 2017, 10:52 AM
(Dec 29th, 2015, 4:08 AM)eddiewijn Wrote: Hi, I have done a new install of form tools and form builder. All goes well till I am asked to create a new Template Set.
This doesn't work for me and when I run diagnostics (table verification) i get:
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_forms
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_form_placeholders
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_form_templates
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_templates
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_template_sets
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_template_set_placeholders
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_template_set_placeholder_opts
Form Builder - missing table: ft_module_form_builder_template_set_resources
I have run systems Check/hook verification, this runs okay.
Any idea is most welcome.
I am having the same problem did you find any solutions for this?