Jun 27th, 2011, 5:23 AM
Ah! For this, you need to replace this line:
With the actual name of your submit button. So your submit button should look something like this:
In this example, the name attribute is "continue", so you need to change the parameter line to:
For the PHP_SELF thing, I wouldn't worry about it... that was a weird fringe case for another user. It's possible it'll be required, but I doubt it!
- Ben
"submit_button" => "submit_button_name_attribute",
With the actual name of your submit button. So your submit button should look something like this:
<input type="submit" name="continue" value="Continue >>" />
In this example, the name attribute is "continue", so you need to change the parameter line to:
"submit_button" => "continue",
For the PHP_SELF thing, I wouldn't worry about it... that was a weird fringe case for another user. It's possible it'll be required, but I doubt it!
- Ben