What PHP program are you running from directory home folder?
If you do not see an .htaccess file then I assume you are not running WordPress? And, if there were an .htaccess file then GoDaddy would throw up an error page, so, you don't need the .htaccess after all.
GoDaddy relies on php.ini files to accomplish what .htaccess files do on other Linux server setups.
Are you also saying that since you "didn't set the hosting up" that you do not have access to the actual GoDaddy management of this account? That you cannot login to the management panel to examine the settings?
Normally, if I recall GoDaddy, if it were a Permissions problem with the formtools/install folder then you would get not a blank page but an Error "You don't have permission to view this page" or something visible in the browser like that.
If you ask for the source code of the blank page is it completely blank of all html code?
If you FTP in then you should see a php.ini file, which is default Linux install for GoDaddy.
If you are intending to run PHP 5 for Form Tools then you may have to change the settings in the php.ini file and put it back in its place with the new settings.
To run php 5 then you must name this php.ini file this way:
Supposedly setting up the GoDaddy account and specifying PHP 5 as the default version would create the
php5.ini file. You should find it in the /html/ file path. There is a deeper path for the php.ini or php5.ini file but it cannot be reached by FTP.
If you simply install the .ini file in the root directory -- everything in the /html/ path, then it will still go into effect for enforcing PHP 5 to run as the default PHP version for this server account.
Some working settings for this file would be --
memory_limit = 64M
post_max_size = 64M
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 64M
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off
expose_php = Off
max_input_time = 60
variables_order = "EGPCS"
extension_dir = ./
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
precision = 12
If you don't know which version of PHP is running on the GoDaddy account then use a simple text editor to name a file
phpinfo.php and upload it to the server, to the base directory so that you can type it into the browser
the following code is what should be in that file, with no empty lines at the top of the file.
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
When you type that file into the browser after uploading it via FTP then in the long lines of information coming back it should show the PHP version.
I think you should make sure you are running PHP 5 for best results.
If not then you must ask GoDaddy tech support, if they will, for the Default PHP version to be set for PHP 5.